

In June I was able to knock one of the bucket list and travel to Hawaii! I went with Caroline and her family and it definitely lived up to the hype. We visited the Island of Hawaii a.k.a. "The Big Island" which really is....BIG, twice the size of the other Hawaiian Islands combined! Eight of the world’s 13 climate zones exist there, encompassing Martian-like lava deserts, emerald jungle, paradisaical valleys that front black-, white- and even green-sand beaches, snowcapped mountains, coral forests and an enchanting population of locals.

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A few photos from a great trip to New Orleans for Jazz Fest back in March. We saw countless great musicians and ate some incredible (albeit not to healthy) food. I came away really impressed by a city filled with art, history, music, along with extremely welcoming locals. 

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Return of the King

Return of the King

The definition of a "King" is 

a person or thing regarded as the finest or most important in its sphere or group

Those of you who are familiar with Mr. Jack Reis know that he definitely can fit that definition, especially when it comes to fishing. 

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